Seven diehard habits that could help you win friends and influence people !!
“Each one of us makes his own weather, determines the color of the skies in the emotional universe which he inhabits”. -Fulton J. Sheen
Or you could be a workaholic
and still reel in awe over his ability to deliver with a minimum of fuss.
But when have you ever been
just what you loved in the first place?
You are merely defined by your
roles. Your desire to be more than a performer and be a McCoy in ‘fit all’
roles is a moot point of social absurdity in your everyday life.
So!…ever wondered what allows him
to achieve so much with so little efforts?
Like the top of the tree, it is
our personality that people see first. Of course image, skill, and techniques
carry their influence, but the real source of lasting effectiveness lies in
strong character ….. the roots.
These diehard habits could be the key to your
personal and professional life issues and very well change the way you
interpret success.
Everything begins with an end in sight
“Would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to” said the Cat. "I don’t much care where…” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. -From Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Living by the design of things
is perhaps the first step to a private victory. A clear vision of what you want
and for what purpose, decides what is and
what is not important for you in the day. Once you foresee this, you can
create a personal mission and live by it for improved outcomes.
Never forget….that mental
creation always precedes physical creation. Once you begin to visualize the
outcome in every area of life before you act, your blueprint to success starts
taking shape. Your vision becomes your guide for day to day decisions.
Once this happens, begin
reshaping your future. But just don’t let others do it for you or even circumstances
decide for you. What more turn a blind eye to the wisdom of others. Consider it
only as a temporary irksome restraint.. no more.
Be responsible for your choices
for you think you chose wisely
“When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves” -Viktor Frankl
For the third time this week,
your company is rumored to be undertaking restructuring, for Covid crises has hit its anchors hard. You feel
threatened and might even believe it to be true. You are aware that the finance
department is searching for ways to latch on the expenses and save on company’s
dwindling resources.
Lately you have suffered a bout
of anxiety and have started feeling the scrutiny of the management. Recent
failures stem from obvious reasons but the management has so conveniently begun
to blame you and hold you squarely for dips in performance. Every day in Office
you could feel your Boss staring at you across the floor with anger and disgust
in his eyes boring down your neck. You are damn sure that your impunity is
short lived.
You believe that you have
contributed significantly over the past seven years but you are not certain
that the management is even aware of your value addition to the company. You
and your team had worked so hard to develop good relations both in- house and
with businesses but seems like everybody is turning a blind eye to your sweat. Your department is slated to be downsized and
you may be fired.
The first thought that will
cross your mind is…what has conspired against me? Am I merely a victim of
circumstances? or have I not made my choice wisely?
It’s not unnatural to defy the
habit of choice. Most of us do not allow ourselves the freedom to choose between choices and rather resign
to turn of events and circumstances.
So… what could you do to un-ruffle
the wet feathers?
I would say you hit the pause,
mull over it and then react proactively. Think of what all lies beyond your
present. Start choosing between the options if you think you cannot salvage
anything from this unworthy situation. Focus on what lies ahead than stay fixed
with your present misadventure. Whatever you do,just be compelling …in your
choices and actions.
In any case your dependence on this
job is no more than a ‘private victory’
bereft of any synergy with your capabilities. Shed your loneliness and learn to
expand your circle of influence. Be more
aware of yourself and become a transition person. Your ‘interdependence’ shall change hands with ‘independence ‘in no time and creativity shall take hold of your
life for good.
One thumb rule that you should
never let go is learn to be yourself and focus on things you can influence. Only
then you can expand your knowledge, experience, trustworthiness and above all
your circle of influence.
First things always come First
of things has an unmistakable reputation of giving better results and fewer hiccups. Focus
on things that are important and urgent first and put the unimportant ones at
the back of the shelf, although you have to deal with them anyhow.
rule defies all logic, for you may be required to multitask and deliver
altogether, but is the compass that must always come before the
clock because where you are headed is more important than how fast you are getting
So… always live North of the line and remember what is
urgent need not always be important.
Needless interruptions,
unnecessary reports, meetings, phone calls, mails may be urgent but not
important. Crisis, pressing problems, deadline driven projects, meetings
reports override all other priorities and come first above all. Likewise issues
like preparation, planning, recreation, relationship building are important but
not urgent. And remember….
stems from your integrity once you begin to act on your priorities.
Fall for the habit of mutual
benefit : Its intoxicating to think win-win
“What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?” - George Eliot
long term relationships thrive only on mutual respect and benefits. Foster them.
Strike rich relationships. Work on the belief that there is plenty out there and more to spare. Once you have struck a
balance between courage and consideration your win-win systems have already
been built with faster solutions to problems. Workaround for a solution that
works good for both rather than look for success expending and excluding others.
Believe me….these win-win frameworks
work great when you are clear and vocal in your expectations, eager to delegate
responsibilities and ready to work with conflicting priorities.
Learn first to understand and
then be understood
“Listen or your tongue will make you deaf”. - Unknown
communicate and understand each other you must learn to listen… with intent,
for listening empathically is your first step towards influencing others.
Most of us do not spare
necessary time and effort to properly diagnose the symptoms and rush to
prescribe solutions. We assume that we have understood the issue well and
hasten with a quick advice. This usually falls flat for we communicate from our
own frame of reference …nothing unusual for we all are blessed naturally with this
gift of communicating. We advise,
probe, interpret and evaluate based on our own experiences and motives. We communicate
merely our likes and dislikes. So... what happens?.. we feel we do not understand
and likewise the other person doesn’t feel understood .
The contemptuous disregard for
each other’s ideas, priorities, intent and an overwhelming urge to prevail upon, will
fail you to ‘hit the brief’ every
time you turn vocal .
The key to this mutual
miscommunication lies within you only. Give a patient hearing to what others
have to say and you will find that you are more likely to get the results you
want than ever.
Solutions to complex problems have
their roots in clarity on real issue. And what more… once you learn to listen you can always teach to learn.
The whole is greater than the
sum of its parts
“The enemy of the best is the good”. -Voltaire
are often overwhelmed by the difference of opinion, perspective and the
background of the issue. Rummaging through umpteen courses of actions is merely
confusing and has so often let you down.
way to swim out of this infinite cesspool of uncertainty is to identify the
common purpose, look around you, search and learn the differences. Once you have done so…rewire your mindset. Celebrate
these differences rather than tolerate or even accept them and you could well be
rewarding yourself with the third alternative “Our Way” . Once you get rid of first two choices-‘my way’, ‘your way’; you are more
likely to end up with an idea that is better than
what you started with.
So… when will you know that you
have created a third alternative? You
will get to know this; when of you have a change of heart, see things differently
and begin to find a new way together.
For once, fall in for the habit
of creative cooperation and see amazing things begin to happen.
Use a benchmark to check your
“To keep the lamp burning,
we have to keep putting oil in it”. - Mother Teresa.
Focusing only on getting the golden eggs has always been a lot
more ineffective than nurturing the goose that lays them.
we learn to renew ourselves regularly we often encounter mental obstacles such
as feeling too busy, lack of enough self discipline to stick to our
commitments. These are harassing moments and need you to be strong. Even your
petty chores like ‘mind over mattress’ (
getting up in time), eating healthy or sticking to reading regimen even when
you are busy will sharpen the habit of renewal.
Once you recognize how you want to see yourself and how
others see you, things will turn easier and your ‘Private victory’ will morph into a ‘Public victory’. Things once familiar and dull will for once start
looking amazing
So…breathe deeply, shed all that that has hurt you so bad ….and take your first step …
It’s time to get rid of siege within and reveal the real
McCoy in you .
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