One reason why the World will not fail this time : Gene therapy is one step closer to reality..!!
Stuck between social fatigue and social dismay, a restless world waits out the pandemic, leaning hard on an overwhelmed healthcare system. With virus more likely to reactivate rather than re-infect, any anti science attitude will only push the nail harder and hurt deep.
We all know for sure that the virus
escaped animals and reached the humans How? Nobody knows for sure.
A strain of corona virus similar to SARS-CoV-2 -the cause of CoVID-19 and the one that is infecting humans- has been traced back to the Malayan ‘Pangolin’ population of Southern China, though the role of pangolins as intermediate host or the evolutionary pathway by which this virus traveled to humans, is still unclear. Wet markets meanwhile remain a source of concern as zoonotic transmission to humans has not been ruled out.
Interestingly, recent studies have also found a linear relationship between higher concentration of PM 10 level in the air and the pace at which the Covid virus spreads. Infection rate in fact doubles at average PM 10 level of 350 μg/m3, to what it would be at 50 μg/m3. This has raised apprehensions that suspended particles in the air might be helping the spread.
Why some of us are hit harder than
others ?
Excepting those with
history of co morbidity- one that accounts for severity of complication and
fatality, many of us though afflicted, may never get sick or experience the
Is it possible that genetics is
influencing the severity of symptoms?
We know for sure that tiny variations in genome sequencing in humans alters a person’s chance of contracting infection. These variations decide how our immune system would respond once the virus has lodged itself in our body. In few fatal cases one probable reason was found to be the onset of an immune response called ‘cytokine storm’ in the body; a surge of self-destructive cytokine molecules in the DNA, the moment virus was detected. This invasion disrupted the cell metabolism fatally.
Is Gene Therapy the answer
to all our ills?
If you ask me, in all
probability 'Yes'. An alternate to build upon is always a good bargain.
Let’s see how it works;
Gene therapy is meant to introduce
genetic material into cells, if abnormal genes are detected or beneficial
protein is lacking.
A normal copy of the gene is
required to be introduced for restoring the function of the protein- the
organic molecules found within every living organism. Made up of chain of
amino acids, proteins serve various body functions like structure, transport
and more particularly Defense. Some specific examples of these proteins
are collagen, insulin and antibodies.
A gene once inserted does not
function of its own but a carrier (generally called’ vector’) works as a
delivery agent and transports the gene to the targeted cell. Surprisingly,certain
viruses also work as carrier because they can deliver customized genes
- one which do not carry any disease- to cell except what they are programmed
to carry.
One such type of virus called
‘retrovirus’ integrates it’s genetic material including the new gene to the
chromosome in human cell. Yet another type known as ‘adenovirus’ introduces its
DNA only into the cell . This DNA is not integrated into a chromosome, leaving
it to the cell to decipher and combine of its own.
How the therapy may work
It may work theoretically, at least for now.
One way this therapy could work is
to directly inject the vector carrying modified gene from where it will travel
to individual cell.
Yet another way is to expose the
patient’s cell to this modified gene carrying vector and then return it back to
the body. If everything goes well, this new gene will generate functional
protein and in turn guard the body from infection to severe infection.
However, transporting a gene to a
particular cell and its controlled functioning once inside, is a challenge sans
answers till this day. Also, since clinical presentation of the infection
varies from person to person, same therapy may not be the right answer for
infections across the board.
The success of this therapy rests
largely on identifying genes that precede the infection. If we could isolate
the gene that makes some people resistant and harness it, return to normalcy
could be a strong possibility. The unfortunate part is that this therapy is yet
to make a sizable headway to be in a reckoning.
Till such time the genetic
susceptibility of a person to the virus is identified and fully
understood select few antivirals such as ‘Remdesivir’ ,‘Dexamethasone’
and ‘Flavipiravir’ will continue to be the most promising and perhaps our only
cudgel in fight against the virus for now.
Are we headed
into a break from Covid-19 any time sooner?
It’s not just mass deaths alone
although that is awful. The crisis has turned into something more bizarre and
intriguing. It has changed the world as we had known, into a failed society of
sorts sealing the fate of poor, humbling the economies and spreading
political chaos and social dismay like never before.
And the end is not in sight
as yet.
Recent studies have indicated that
corona virus has mutated and significantly improved its ability to infect
cells. This explains why early outbreaks did not overwhelm the health care
systems as much as the infections that ravaged the EU countries and US later
This mutation-also referred to as D614G -has increased the number of ‘spikes’ on the corona virus which allows it to bind to and infect the cells more efficiently. The number of these spikes has risen by 4–5 times , though it is still not known if this could be linked to severity of infection or increased mortality. Though it was known all along that SARSCoV-2 was evolving into new and more potent strains, what is alarming is that this strain is the result of a dominant mutation.. one which is capable of more severe symptoms.
One thing is clear for sure, that the virus is capable of jumping specie boundaries and adapting
to new host per se. Predictably more of its cousins could emerge and invade us
humans in future. It is how we react now, will decide if we could ward off a
more severe health danger to humans from future corona viruses.
Hold your head high for these are
difficult times.
Contact tracing, confinement, pills with unproven effect and virtual social isolation; one hell of a way to wage battle with an enemy that takes its toll at a frightening
Even those who enthuse that we will
have a vaccine in the next one year or so, also admit grudgingly that nothing
is certain.
But wait!!.don’t loose heart. It's not human like. We are a specie not designed for a defeat, not yet.
Trust me, Nature has its own way of evolving and revealing its secrets. It bides it time. Who knows what surprises lie ahead for us. Fingers crossed-we could find favor with gene therapy well in time and come out with a vaccine that puts an end to threat of a global annihilation!
If we condemn
ourselves now to a worst case scenario where people genuinely don’t care if
they or anyone else lives or dies, we could well be talking of a guaranteed
catastrophe that may take years altogether before it is overwhelmed.
I would say let’s stay humble, hold our hearts, don't despair creep in and let's not push things hard. Just lie easy, protect ourselves, follow ground
rules and hope that the ‘answers’ do not take long in coming .
Whatever you do, don’t let yourself give up. If it's any comfort just remind yourself;
This world is not built to fail…
Good description of gene therapy A must read for all!!