Hanging out with friends could actually make you happier than nesting with your family-Here’s why
If you believe that spending time with your kids and spouse is the key to your happiness, you could be in for a surprise! People actually experience higher level of wellness being while chilling around with friends than they do when spending time with their family!! It’s shocking but true! For quite a few, happiness does not mean spending time with family and finding relevance in unpleasant tasks like chores or caretaking duties. People admit that they usually feel higher sense of well being once they find themselves surrounded by friends and laze around; rather they do when in comforting nearness of their romantic companion or kids. Strangely, happiness quotient falls sharply being around with romantic partners!! Our brains are wired like this…we prefer to spend more time doing enjoyable activities with friends than with our family members. What more, the bond between friends gets stronger with age and eventually could outweigh the connect with the family. These relationships ‘...